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​Full comic at PHD Comics: “Tales from the Road -- Princeton

"Ode to the Brain", Symphony of Science, 
by Melodysheep. YouTube version here.


"Alone in My Room", Abstruse Goose.

"NUMB3RS", Abstruse Goose.

"Demonic Encounter", Abstruse Goose.

"Teaching Physics", xkcd.

"Astrophysics", xkcd.

"Choices, Part 2", xkcd.

"Rite of Passange", Abstruse Goose.

"Criticism", Abstruse Goose.

"Supernova", Abstruse Goose.

Calvin and Hobbes

PHD Comics: Pro and Con

PHD Comics: Your Math Skills

"Fancy Pancakes", Foxtrot

​“d(Pain)/dt”, xkcd

​“Lower case xi?”, Spiked Math

​“Espresso”, SMBC

天文物理是最浪漫的科学。她有严谨理性的一面:我们或持笔计算光线如何在接近黑洞时偏离,或在高山上了无人迹的天文台里做观测,有点像隐居的修道人想一窥宇宙的真谛;但是也有人文感性的一面:我们躺在沙滩上用绿激光描绘出星座,说着古人的神话故事,倾听彼此的心声。星--系--心。天文的路,既是思想的奔驰,更是心的感受、性情的陶冶。仰头观星;低头沉思。我们不过是宇宙中的过客,地球也只是茫茫星海中的一粟;   凡事顺其自然,但绝不听天由命。


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